Radon measurement boxes
Best in test
Active Radon Analysis’s radon measurement boxes have been chosen by the English public health system as best in test. This is, amongst other things, because the track film is much wider than many of the other products on the UK market. As a result, you get a much more precise measurement result. So be aware of the width of the trackfilm. In general, if you see a small radon measurement box, then chances are that thetrack film is also small, which will result in a less accurate measurement.
Radon measurement boxes with (sporfilm?) are the best and safest way to measure radon accurately. The Norwegian radiation protection authority recommends that the measurements are made in all living rooms on the ground floor with ground contact.
Below, you can see information about product descriptions, so that you select the correct amount of radon meters and the measurement time period.
All prices are incl. and delivery (within five business days).
The price includes:
The radon detector box
Registration table
A prepaid return envelope
Laboratory analysis
Measurement report sent directly to you.
How do you make the measurements?
It is very easy. Along with the box you receive a description of how to place the box in your home. When the measurement is done, the prepaid return envelope is mailed to the laboratory, and you will then receive the result per email from the laboratory.
How much should the measurement be?
According to Public Health of UK, the yearly average for a house should be below 200 Bq/m3. They recommend that you perform at least two measurements in living rooms. It is important to calculate a yearly average.
The National Board of Health estimates that around 65,000 single-family households have a radon level above 200 Bq/m3. In these cases, the recommendation from the construction authorities is to take action towards lowering the high radon levels.
How many radon meter should you order?
As a rule of thumb, you should always order at least 2 meters to be able to measure the average yearly value in your household. Also, it is important to take the measurements in the room where you spend most time – typically your living rooms, bedrooms and perhaps your office. If you have a basement, you should also take a measurement here.
The measurements should be made during the heating season, where the differences in temperature are biggest between outdoors and indoors, and to obtain the best results, the measurements should be taken over a period of 2 – 3 months.
Measurement period
Regarding measurement time period, you can choose between 60 days (recommended) and 7-14 days of measurements.
60 days of measurement
All radon experts recommend at least 60 days of measurements and at least two radon meters in the heating season. This is to achieve the most precise depiction of whether radon can be found in the house.
7-14 days of measurement
Such a measurement is only guiding but can give you an idea of whether there are high concentrations of radon in the indoor air.
Canary electronic radon meter
Canary is incredibly easy to use and read, and after no more than a week, a result can be detected. The Canary meter is especially used for a situation where you are about to buy a house and wants to make sure your new house does not have high levels of radon, or if you are in the process of trying to reduce the radon levels.
Product Description:
The radon averages daily, weekly and the full period.
Can localize where the radon is coming from.
Works with three alkaline batteries – 3 AAA alkaline batteries (LR03) 3 lifetime
Doesn’t weigh much